
Showing posts from December, 2023

Creating Work Flexibility: Strategies for Enhancing Employee Well-being and Organisational Performance

Contemporary organisations play a significant focus on work flexibility. Work flexibility refers to employees capability to fulfil their duties beyond boundaries of time and place. Flexible employment opportunities can create a work life balance in employees, an improved job satisfaction and the well being. This blog explores the strategies of creating work flexibility in order to establish a positive work culture.  Introducing flexible work schedules Research has consistently shown that flexible work schedules are associated with enhanced employee well-being, engagement, and job satisfaction (Hill, Erickson, Holmes, & Ferris, 2010). Flexible work schedules will provide work flexibility for employees as well as a balanced life to manage personal commitments while meeting professional obligations. Encouraging remote work In a post-covid world, lots of organisations have encouraged remote work where employees can work from wherever they are without coming to the office physically. Re

The Inner Circle Advantage: Mutual Benefits for Employers and Employees in the Workplace

Inner circles are common at any workplace. An earned trust and respect can make any employee into their employer' s inner circle. Being in an inner circle can offer a range of benefits to employees starting from allowances to postings to earning the recognition and confidence of the employers. It is not only the benefactors of inner circles but also the employers. Hence, this blog post will explore how inner circles at the workplace can bring mutual benefits to both employees and employers nourishing the employer-employee  relationships. Building trust and loyalty Inner circles are totally built on complete trust and loyalty. It is easier for an employee to get into an inner circle by being a trustworthy and loyal employee to his superiors and to the company. The same trustworthiness and reliability will give an employee to commit more to the company. Employees who feel valued and trusted are more likely to exhibit higher levels of engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction (De