Creating a Culture of Engagement: Strengthening the Employer-Employee Relationship for Mutual Success

Creating A culture of engagement has become essential to achieving sustainable success in today's fast-paced business world. Employee engagement is a  widely discussed topic in the fields of organizational development, management, and industrial psychology (Jeung, 2011) When employees feel engaged, they are more likely to be productive, motivated, and committed to their work. By creating a culture of engagement, employers can acquire the full potential of employees directing to the success of employer and employee both. This blog will explore the importance of creating a culture of engagement,  and some practical strategies to achieve it. 

Importance of Creating a Culture of Engagement:

Employee engagement refers to things that are positively effective related to carrying out work that has aspects of vigour, dedication, and absorption (Schaufeli, Bakker, & Salanova, 2006). This sense of engagement is a cognitive, emotional, and behavioural condition of the individual directed towards organizational goals (Farndale & Murrer, 2015) When achieving long-term success and sustainability, organizations should focus on creating a culture of engagement.  

Research indicates that engaged employees are more productive and effective in their work, contributing to the overall growth and success of the organization (Kahn, 1990). Engaged employees are motivated to put in extra effort, teamwork and take dynamic approaches to their work. In contrast, disengaged employees are relatively unpunctual, and less productive, leading to potential losses for the organizational expectations.

Achieving a Culture of Engagement:

Both employer and employee are required to follow practical strategies to achieve a culture of engagement and below mentioned are some of them.

Recognizing and appreciating employees:

Acknowledged employees for what they do and valued accordingly with benefits like good remuneration package, do feel engaged in their work. Externally, employee engagement can be influenced by several factors, including the provision of appropriate and satisfying wages according to job level (Pang & Lu, 2018).

Consistent communication: 

Consistent communication within the organization can increase employee engagement to provide the best performance at work (García-Carbonell et al, 2018). As a result, it can create a transparency, trust and mutual respect between employers and employees which will allow employees to gain an organizational understanding of needs and expectations.

Flexible Work Culture: 

Understanding that employees have a personal life outside the work, there should be flexible work arrangements to balance the work life. A conducive work environment can provide good performance results for individuals (Lazauskaite-Zabielske, Urbanaviciute & Balsiene, 2018) In addition, supportive colleagues in the workplace can increase job satisfaction and work performance (Yousef, 2017).

Regardless of the effort it takes to create a culture of engagement, it can benefit a strong employer-employee relationship which fosters more productivity and mutual trust. Hence, the author feels engaged employees are assets to an organization. 


Farndale, E., & Murrer, I. (2015). Job resources and employee engagement: a cross-national study.Journal of Managerial Psychology. 30, 610–626.

García-Carbonell, N.,Martín-Alcázar, F., & Sanchez-Gardey, G. (2018). Determinants of building consistent human resources management systems: A focus on internal communication. International Journal of Manpower. 39 (3) 354–377. Available at: Accessed on 25th November

Jeung, C. W. (2011). The concept of employee engagement: A comprehensive review from a positive organisational behaviour perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly.

Kahn, W. A. (1990). Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy of Management Journal, 33(4), 692-724.

Lazauskaite-Zabielske, J., Urbanaviciute, I. & Balsiene, R, R. (2018). From psychosocial work environment to good performance: the role of work engagement. Baltic Journal of Management.

Pang, K., & Lu, C.S. (2018). Organizational motivation, employee job satisfaction, and organizational performance: An empirical study of container shipping companies in Taiwan. Maritime Business Review. 3 (1) 36 –52.

Schaufeli, W. B., Bakker, A. B., & Salanova, M. (2006). The measurement of work engagement with a short questionnaire: A cross-national study.Educational and Psychological Measurement.66, 701–716.

Yalabik, Z. Y., Popaitoon, P., Chowne, J. A., & Rayton, B. A. (2013). Work engagement as a mediator between employee attitudes and outcomes. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(14), 2799-2820.

Yousef, D. A. (2017). Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and attitudes toward organizational change: a study in the local government. International Journal of Public Administration. 40 (1) 77–88. Available at: Accessed on 25th November


  1. Yes, when there is reciprocal relationship building; there is high employee engagement where the employees are motivated to perform and take ownership of what they do. This also shows that the Employer trusts the employees. In such environments, employers respect their employees. Employers endeavor to understand both the intrinsic and extrinsic needs and make it available to them. Therefore, employees are motivated to perform for the achievement of organizational goals and will stay with the organization for the better long-term.

    1. Agreed with you.

      When employees are engaged they sense a belonging to the organization that they are working for. It will give them a motivation to work better as they are fully satisfied in what they do and getting recognized. To improve employee engagement, employers can make inner circles where they can pay attention to each one of the employees and recognize their concerns in an open and honest communication. Engaged employees will be with organizations for a long time not only nourishing the organizations but also becoming like family like person to it.

  2. Yes, when employees are respected and relationships are built fostering a sense of trust between the two. In such environments, employers will invest in their employees in development and training. There will be positive complements and better financial rewards apart from the usual salaries and wages. There will be healthy work conditions. Therefore, employees will be motivated to perform for attainment of the organization's goals. The employees also feel to be loyal to the company. Hence a culture of healthy relationship between the employer and employee is created and sustained.

  3. Yes, Employers that respects their employees build healthy relationships. Good open transparent communication, constructive feedback, gratitude, and appreciation will drive employee morale and enables the employees to improve productivity and achieve organizational success. The company is more likely to retain their employees as well (Pandian & Niketan, 2017).

    Therefore, I totally agree with you.

  4. Agree with you. Flexible work arrangements benefit both the employee and the employer. Employees can achieve a better work-life balance, lower levels of absence and lower levels of stress. Employers benefit from better motivation and productivity, less overheads and an improvement in trust and the employer/employee relationship. According to my view this is very important in 2024. What do you think?

  5. Agree with you. Flexible work arrangements benefit both the employee and the employer. Employees can achieve a better work-life balance, lower levels of absence and lower levels of stress. Employers benefit from better motivation and productivity, less overheads and an improvement in trust and the employer/employee relationship. According to my view this is very important in 2024. What do you think?

  6. Agree with you. Flexible work arrangements benefit both the employee and the employer. Employees can achieve a better work-life balance, lower levels of absence and lower levels of stress. Employers benefit from better motivation and productivity, less overheads and an improvement in trust and the employer/employee relationship. According to my view this is very important in 2024. What do you think?

    1. I also agree. Even employees are paid much, without flexible arrangements for work it would be hard for employers to stop employee turn over. Because people are much into their well being and personal commitments these days. Therefore, they would seek opportunities where those requirements are met and go for such companies which will offer them a comfortable zone.

  7. light of the strategies outlined for achieving a culture of engagement, how can organizations strike a balance between recognizing and appreciating employees while maintaining a fair remuneration package? Additionally, regarding consistent communication, how can organizations ensure transparency and mutual respect, addressing the diverse needs and expectations of both employers and employees? Furthermore, in advocating for a flexible work culture, how can organizations reconcile individual work-life balance needs with the imperative for a conducive work environment and supportive colleagues, particularly in light of differing job roles and responsibilities?

    1. The main strategy that can be used to solve all your concerns is open and effective communication. When employers communicate openly with their employees they will get to know whether they are satisfied in their salary, whether they need to arrange flexible arrangements for them and etc. The key to solve everything you mentioned is open communication which can be reachable more efficiently by creating inner circles rather than going directly and asking from your employees what do you need. When you make inner circles, naturally, employees will be friendly with you and expose their concerns with you.


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