Employee expectations: Is it mandatory to manage employee expectations?

Is it mandatory to manage employee expectations?

Employee expectation is a key factor of effective leadership which has a significant impact on organizational success. Managing it is a challenging task for managers but a must to develop a strong relationship with the employees in today's dynamic and merciless business world. This blog explores the inescapable nature of managing employee expectations while focusing on the influence that they can have on a progressive and productive work environment. 


What are employee expectations?


Employee expectations are the beliefs of the employees on how their employers treat or handle them. Both employers and employees must have certain expectations before starting and within their job roles. Customarily, it is the duty of a manager or a supervisor to provide employees with a coherent understanding of their roles, responsibilities and performance. They may also expect a say in their terms and conditions of employment and how their work is organized (Armstrong, 2017). Employees are likely to be more content and motivated when they understand what they are expected of. Though employee expectations are variable, below are some basic expectations that any employee could have expected from any employer.


  •        Proper leadership and training
  •        Fair salaries and benefits
  •        Accelerating career paths
  •        Good recognition and feedback
  •        Effective communication



Proper Leadership and training


Every company has a variable work culture with various rules and regulations. Hence, when recruiters are hired, they expect proper leadership to give a hand to get adapted to the new work culture. After being given the required leadership and training by the management, they can contribute to the role expected from their superiors productively.


Fair Salaries and benefits

Fair compensation may include a salary or a wage which will tally that of the same market value. Fairly and timely paid salaries will enhance job satisfaction making employers achieve their expectations. 

Accelerating career paths


Accelerating career paths give a motivation for employees since they will meet employer expectations. Besides, a clear growth path outlines the potential for promotions and increased responsibilities and appreciates them by offering continuous feedback on performance making employees more productive.


Good recognition and feedback


Timely and constructive feedback from superiors and peers helps employees understand how they are performing and which areas to improve. From verbal appreciation to public acknowledgement to rewards and incentives, employees can be recognized and given a value which will make them perform employer expectations productively.


Effective communication


When employees are not aware of what is expected from them, it can create a conflict as they may unintentionally do something different than what superior's goals expected. This can cause job dissatisfaction and tension. However, by maintaining regular communication and feedback, managers can prevent misunderstandings and promote harmonious working relationships.



Managing employee expectations is essential for creating a positive work environment that fosters engagement, trust, and growth. By, acknowledging the addressed and not addressed employee expectations, employers can nurture an inspiring workforce investing more in long-term benefits for both employees and the organization. It can also strengthen the employer-employee relationships, reduce conflicts. Hence, employee expectation management will be nothing but mandatory.




Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S. (2017) Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. London: Kogan Page


Browne, M. Y., & Muchinsky, P. M. (2004). Effects of “social” and “self” subset expectations on job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(1), 160-169. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.89.1.160


  1. Agree with you, Employee expectations is mandatory to achieve the organization targets. Because employees have a positive attitudes when their expectations are met. What are the most important expectations of employees in today’s workforce? It may be positive work culture, Recognition, Respect and trust, Transparence, Feedback, work life balance. On other hand employers also has expectations. It may be positive attitude, Adaptability, Honesty and integrity, Professionalism, Professionalism.

    1. NIPUNI MAHATHANTHRI20 November 2023 at 18:57

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    2. Nipuni Mahathanthri20 November 2023 at 19:19

      True, there's a significant connection between employee and employer expectations. When those expectations are not met, their relationship can come into risky terms in terms of company's expectations and high turn over of the employees. I'll be taking about employer's expectation and the mutual connection of that with employees in my next blog.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. True, I also believe that when only the employer-employees expectations become mutual an organization can achieve targets and goals seamlessly. When both parties covey their expectations effectively, there won't be any misunderstandings or space to conflicts. In that way, companies can achieve their success. In my next blog I will be talking about employer expectations and feel free to share your opinions on it as well.

  2. Great content, when you highlighted Managing expectations, currently we can see with inflation and various reasons expectations are dynamic, where what's important to someone now is not what it is in 6 months.I see this as a great challenge for leaders

    1. I also agree. Employers are facing a real difficulty to meet the expectations of their employees and also to meet their company goals and targets as well. As an example, it is obvious that employees expect a higher salary but employers can't sometimes do it because their profit is not sufficient to meet that. In such cases employers face a real and practical difficulty as they want to keep the employee and give a salary raise but they can't do it as they are helpless as well. this is just one example for employers trying to meet employee expectations there are numerous others as well

  3. True, Your emphasis on the importance of open communication between employers and employees really stood out to me. The notion that a staff with clear expectations is more engaged and productive is not only reasonable, but it also fits with the fundamentals of good leadership.

  4. Agreed. A good leader should be ableto understand the expectations of employees

  5. This article rightly highlights the critical role of managing employee expectations in fostering a productive work environment. Clear communication, fair treatment, and growth opportunities are pivotal. Engaging with and addressing these expectations not only benefits the employees but also contributes significantly to organizational success and harmony.

    1. Thank you. Employees are the ones who bring organizational goals and targets into a reality. Therefore, understanding employee expectation is crucial for an organization in order to prevent employee turn over and increase skiled employee retention


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